Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Biggest Loser Latest Season Online

Hey guys it is yet another reality show for you. This time it is "The Biggest Loser". This show is telecast at the NBC at 8 PM Tuesdays. It is currently in it's 13th season and counting. The 16th Episode of the 13th Season is here for you to watch on the internet. NBC will broadcast this on April 24, 2012 at 8PM. You can catch it from here on the internet.

Story Background:

The biggest winner is "The Biggest Loser" in this compelling new weight-loss reality drama in which two celebrity fitness trainers join with top health experts to help overweight contestants transform their bodies, health and ultimately, their lives.

Episode 16 Insights:

It led to 'Loser' contestants Buddy and Mark walking out last week, but previously eliminated contestants are still returning tonight for a second chance. All of this season's ex-players will take part in a grueling four-part challenge, the winner of which will join the other two finalists in the race for the $250,000 grand prize. You know, the prize that those quitters Buddy and Mark can never win now, because they have integrity or something. 

So catch this exciting episode right here on your favorite site by clicking the link bellow.

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